Friday, August 16, 2013

Matisse-Inspired Art Project For Kids

I have been doing art projects with a group of kids for the last few weeks. Its kind of ridiculous how excited I get to think of ideas and plan projects. I have always loved Matisse's paper cut-outs. I love the shapes and fields of color. For this project, I combined it with another thing I love: clear contact paper. If you don't have a roll, you should! Its good for what ails you. 

Moving along, I started by cutting out a whole bunch of small-ish squares of colored tissue paper. I also threw a few patterns in there for interest. I am glad I cut these squares ahead of time. It kept the kids from getting overwhelmed, and we used a lot less tissue paper than we would have if each kid was cutting into  full sheet. I also cut two squares of contact paper for each kid. Before peeling off the backing, they cut all their shapes and had them at the ready. After laying all the shapes down on the sticky side, we helped put another layer of contact paper on the back and trimmed the edges. 

Voila! The finished masterpiece. I wish I had had the forethought to line everyone's up and take a picture. The finished project could make a nice place mat or look pretty in a sunny window! 

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