Sunday, May 11, 2014

Getting To Know You: The Liebster Award

The lovely Jill from The Wizard of Odds and Ends has nominated us for the Liebster Award. From what I understand, this is a way to get to know and support other small-time bloggers. So for fun, here is a bit of an 'interview' so you can get to know a little more about our blog. Thanks, Jill!

1. What is your favorite pattern to work from? If you don't use patterns, have you ever made a project multiple times? Depending on the project, I am comfortable using a pattern or making my own. I tend to use commercial patterns for clothing, and make my own for other things. Slowly I am gaining confidence in heavily modifying pre-made patterns. And yes, I have made the same pattern multiple times. One kids' pajama pattern I have I must have made at least 20 sets over the course of a few years. I traced off all the sizes, and the patterns are all in shreds.

2. Who taught you your craft(s)? Our mom is pretty much a sewing ninja if there is such a thing. She made her own parka, sewed a backpack for her backpacking trip across Europe, and many fun things for us kids. Both our grandmothers were also crafty so there's really no escaping it!

3. What do you consider your biggest crafting accomplishment? Hmmm...well, as for technical feats I did sew my own wedding dress, and an 1880's ballgown in high school. Creatively, I love being able to plan a project around a specific supply or idea, and the ability to change the pattern to suit my vision.

4. How did you get into blogging? Rachel and I started blogging after she started sewing again. She was living oh, so far away in the grand ol' state of New Jersey, which seemed so far away at the time. We wanted to share our projects with each other, and it has come in particularly handy since she has up and moved to Texas.

5. Have you ever made a mistake but manage to salvage the project and make it a success? Oh, yes! I once had an art teacher who would not allow the use of erasers AT ALL for most of the semester. She wanted us to learn from our mistakes and be able to turn them into something interesting. It drove me nuts at first but it turned out to be very helpful and I still use those skills today to make it work! :)

6. Where do you find the most inspiration for the things you make? This is a tough one. Everywhere, I guess. I love all things vintage, funky, bohemian...oh, listen to me, trying to sound like I know what my style is. Ha! I think I just know what I like, and between my brain and pinterest, there is never a shortage of ideas!

7. Do you have an Etsy shop? If so, please post the link. :) Yes! We just hung out our virtual shingle at

8. What is one craft that you would love to learn? One? Seriously?! :) I would love to learn crochet, printmaking, knitting (proficiently), and someday I would love to try glassblowing.

9. Depending on your main hobby, what is your least favorite type of fabric/yarn/paint to work with? Chiffon is a nightmare. It's so slippery and shifty.

10. What is the longest amount of time you've spent in a craft store or browsing craft supplies online? Ha!!! I usually have 3 kids with me who are soooo over going to the fabric store, so I don't stay long. I have gone on a few benders where I have spent a good chunk of time dreaming of sewing up all those beautiful fabrics.

11.  What sort of project are you currently working on? Right now I have a dress I'm making from a 70's pattern with some fabric that is eerily similar to chiffon. I am also finishing up a mosaic project that has taken me...a long, long time. I may or may not have a *few* more projects going as well. :)

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